Top Advertising Networks for Best CPM Rates in 2024

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, advertising networks are essential because they make it easier for publishers and advertisers to communicate. The internet advertising landscape is constantly evolving as 2024 draws near, and cost per mille, or CPM, is still an important revenue-generating metric. In an effort to optimize their revenue and fully utilize their advertising inventory, publishers are constantly seeking out advertising networks offering the highest cost per thousand.

A publisher’s financial performance is significantly impacted by the advertising network they use. An ad network’s overall performance is influenced by a number of factors, including targeting options, monetization tactics, and ad formats. This article will examine the highest CPM rates on the biggest ad networks for 2024 and offer suggestions on how publishers may increase their earnings by collaborating with other businesses and utilizing efficient ad optimization strategies.

The financial profitability of a publisher is significantly impacted by the network of advertisements they choose. Ad networks operate differently depending on a variety of factors, including targeting options, monetization tactics, and ad formats. The top CPM rates on the biggest ad networks for 2024 will be examined in this post, along with suggestions on how publishers can increase their earnings by collaborating with other businesses and utilizing efficient ad optimization strategies.

The financial performance of a publisher is greatly impacted by selecting the appropriate advertising network choice. An ad network’s overall performance is influenced by various factors, including targeting capabilities, ad formats, and monetization tactics. This article will examine the best CPM rates for 2024 on the biggest ad networks and offer advice on how publishers may increase their earnings by forming strategic alliances and using efficient ad optimization strategies.

Top 5 CPM Ad Networks for 2024

One notable and well-known ad tech company with a global reach is It manages the second-biggest contextual ad campaign globally. Publishers can access billion-dollar search demand from the Yahoo! Bing Network through this network. Thanks to’s unique ad style, advertising search budgets can be expanded, leading to more precisely targeted ads and increased profits.

Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads provides a range of advertising goods, such as regular banner ads, pop-under ads, and interstitial ads. More visitors from the United States and the United Kingdom may qualify for a greater CPM than what AdSense offers. Because of this, publishers trying to optimize their earnings may find Propeller Ads to be a compelling alternative.

Ads Cash

Ads Cash promises a 100% inventory fill rate and dynamic CPM optimization for increased revenue and improved user experience. They offer a range of ad styles, such as pop-under, interstitial, banner, and native ads. With the help of Ad Cash’s technology, publishers may easily monetise online traffic.


Ads Cash promises a 100% inventory fill rate and dynamic CPM optimization for increased revenue and improved user experience. They offer a range of ad styles, such as pop-under, interstitial, banner, and native ads. With the help of Ad Cash’s technology, publishers may easily monetise online traffic.


Criteo is renowned for its direct header bidding strategy, which does away with supply chain middlemen. Their superior clientele consists of 22,000 international retail and brand customers. With Criteo, publishers may establish a floor price to guarantee the CPM rates they want. For eighteen years, their AI-powered system, designed for e-commerce, has been assiduously observing consumers.

Maximizing Revenue with CPM Networks

Optimizing ad placements

Publishers must concentrate on improving ad placements in order to maximize income from CPM networks. Both the user experience and ad performance can be greatly impacted by strategic ad placement. Ads within content or above the fold can boost visibility and interaction. Publishers should think about offering advertisers more alternatives by utilizing multi-sized ad placements, which could lead to an increase in ad placements and clicks. Viewability rates have been greater for vertical ad units, like 300×600.

Improving site content and traffic

Producing engaging content of the highest caliber is crucial to attracting sponsors and viewers. By including keywords that advertisers frequently seek, publishers can increase the relevancy of their website to advertising campaigns. If organic traffic rises and SEO best practices are implemented, ads will find the website more interesting. Publishers should also focus on improving user experience and website performance because slow-loading websites can lead to higher bounce rates and lower ad engagement.

Testing multiple networks

Ad income diversification requires more than just increasing the amount of advertising; it also requires carefully selecting and integrating various ad formats and sources. Publishers may want to consider working with many ad networks in order to increase advertiser competition, which may result in higher CPMs. Header bidding allows publishers to simultaneously make their ad inventory available to multiple ad exchanges, increasing competition and driving up CPMs. It is necessary to continuously test and refine different strategies in order to improve CPM and increase ad revenue.


Publishers have a great chance to profitably monetize their websites with CPM advertising networks. Publishers can make money based on the volume of traffic to their website by charging advertisers a set fee for each thousand ad impressions. This approach is especially advantageous for websites with large volumes of visitors since it provides consistent revenue streams independent of user engagement or clicks.

The eCPM statistic offers valuable insights into the entire revenue performance of CPM campaigns and can be used to measure their effectiveness. Publishers need to be aware that a number of factors, such as audience demographics, macroeconomic conditions, and seasonality, affect CPM rates. Website owners can concentrate on producing top-notch content that draws in target audience segments and keeps users on their sites longer in order to optimize revenue.

Publishers should carefully consider their needs and site metrics while choosing CPM networks. By utilizing higher-paying ad kinds and diversifying revenue streams, implementing numerous ad networks and formats, such as video and native ads, may improve revenue. Through ongoing strategy optimization and ad placement optimization, publishers can strive to maximize CPM rates and increase advertising revenue in 2024 and beyond.

The Landscape of Digital Advertising in 2024

Trends in online advertising

The digital advertising landscape continues to evolve rapidly in 2024. Programmatic advertising has become a cornerstone of the industry, making up 91.3% of US digital display advertising. This automated approach to ad transactions has seen significant growth, with US programmatic digital display ad spend projected to reach $157.35 billion in 2024, marking a 15.9% increase. The shift towards mobile dominance has been notable, with US programmatic digital display ad spend skyrocketing from $4.99 billion in 2013 to $135.72 billion in 2023.

The rise of programmatic advertising

The buying and selling of advertisements has been completely transformed by programmatic. It includes any advertisement that is transacted or fulfilled automatically, doing away with the requirement for manual insertion orders. This strategy has becoming more popular in a number of media, such as digital audio and digital out-of-home (DOOH). It is anticipated that US programmatic DOOH ad expenditure will amount to $875.1 million in 2024, or 26.7% of total US DOOH ad spend. Similarly, it is projected that US programmatic digital audio ad spending would reach $1.83 billion in 2024, representing 24.6% of the industry.

Importance of CPM for publishers

Cost Per Mille (CPM) remains a crucial metric for publishers in 2024. It helps determine the revenue generated from advertising inventory by measuring the cost of displaying an ad to 1,000 viewers. Publishers use CPM to evaluate the performance of different ad placements and formats, allowing them to optimize their strategies and maximize revenue. Factors influencing CPM rates include audience demographics, ad placement, ad format, seasonality, and competition. To improve CPM rates, publishers can optimize ad placement, test different ad formats, segment their audience, partner with ad networks, and increase site traffic.

Evaluating CPM Ad Networks

Key metrics to consider

When assessing CPM ad networks, publishers want to concentrate on multiple crucial metrics. The main statistic is Cost Per Mille (CPM), which represents how much advertisers must spend for each thousand ad impressions. Publishers should take into account money Per Mille (RPM), which accounts for the entire money generated by a series of adverts. The fill rate, click-through rate, and view ability are additional crucial indicators. Performance can be greatly impacted by ad tech capabilities; video advertising have the potential to command CPMs that are 20% greater than those of display ads.

Minimum traffic requirements

The requirements for traffic in CPM networks differ greatly. There are networks with no minimum traffic requirements, such as Revenue Hits and AdCash. Others, such as Rev Content, would need 50,000 visits each month. The low threshold of 3,000 hits per month is offered by Conversant. prioritizes geographic origin and traffic quality over minimum standards. Publishers looking to identify the best network for the level of traffic to their site should thoroughly examine each network’s requirements.

Payment terms and thresholds

When choosing a CPM network, criteria and payment periods are important factors to take into account. Most networks use a revenue-share business model, keeping between 15 and 30 percent of all ad revenue. Different networks have different minimum payment limits; several want at least $25 in order to pay out. Certain networks, like AdCash, which offers several payout choices including PayPal and Bitcoin, allow versatile payment options. In order to optimize their earnings potential, publishers ought to consider these factors in conjunction with CPM rates.

5 High-Performing CPM Networks for Publishers

Buy Sell Ads

Buy Sell Ads has minimal minimum traffic thresholds, making it a great choice for new users. Publishers can use ad blockers to monetise visitors and negotiate direct arrangements with advertisers. One of the network’s special features allows publishers to control the price of their ad space. Publishers should modify their prices to reflect the 25% commission. Payments must meet a minimum threshold of $20 for PayPal and $50 for cheques or wire transfers. Payments are processed twice a month.


Since its founding in 2013, Adsterra has served over 30 billion impressions per month to 248 GEOs. Pop unders, in-page push advertisements, display banners, native ads, and VAST video ads are just a few of the ad formats it provides. Several payment schemes, including CPM, CPA, CPI, CPL, and CPO, are offered by the network. Device formats, OS & browser targeting, and geo & language targeting are among the targeting options offered by Adsterra.


Revcontent is a platform for content recommendations that assists publishers in making money with native advertising. It collaborates with well-known publishers like Forbes and Newsweek and boasts a network of more than 250 billion monthly impressions. The network offers benefits including quality content recommendations and a dedicated account manager, but it requires a minimum of 50,000 monthly visits.


Rich media, native advertisements, and video are some of the high-impact ad types that Undertone specializes in. It offers sophisticated targeting capabilities and collaborates with leading publishers and businesses. In contrast to certain other ad networks, the network offers a higher revenue potential in exchange for a minimum need of 500,000 monthly impressions. Features for campaign optimization, including floor pricing settings, performance, and appearance, are enabled by Undertone.


AdBlade is a platform that recommends content and offers many ad forms, such as sidebar, footer, and in-content ads. It collaborates with big publishers and boasts a network of over 250 billion monthly impressions. AdBlade delivers robust controls to safeguard publisher inventory in addition to premium ad units that draw in major brands.

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Publishers have a great chance to profitably monetize their websites with CPM advertising networks. Publishers can make money based on the volume of traffic to their website by charging advertisers a set fee for each thousand ad impressions. This approach is especially advantageous for websites with large volumes of visitors since it provides consistent revenue streams independent of user engagement or clicks.

The eCPM indicator, which offers information on overall revenue performance, can be used to gauge the effectiveness of CPM campaigns. Seasonality, socioeconomic conditions, and audience demographics are just a few of the variables that publishers need to be aware of when determining CPM rates. Website owners can concentrate on producing high-quality content that draws in target audience segments and maintains visitors’ interest for extended periods of time in order to optimize revenue.

Publishers should carefully consider their needs and site metrics while choosing CPM networks. By utilizing higher-paying ad kinds and diversifying revenue streams, implementing numerous ad networks and formats, such as video and native ads, may improve revenue.


CPM (Cost Per Mille) networks are essential for bringing publishers and advertisers together in the ever-changing world of digital advertising. The price that marketers must pay for each thousand ad impressions on a website is referred to as CPM 1. This strategy is especially helpful for websites with a lot of traffic because it pays publishers based on ad views rather than clicks.

Ad networks are critical to publishers because digital ad expenditure is expected to reach $830 billion globally by 2026. Prices for digital advertising are expected to rise even further. By acting as middlemen and gathering ad inventory and selling it to pertinent advertisers, these platforms facilitate the process and save time for all involved.

CPM networks provide publishers with a dependable source of income, quantifiable insights, and the possibility of higher ad revenue. Additionally, they offer easier ad administration and increased reach, freeing up website owners to concentrate on their primary responsibilities while optimizing their revenue efforts.

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CPM vs Other Ad Pricing Models

Understanding CPM, CPC, and CPA

The cost per thousand ad impressions is known as CPM, or cost per mille. This model, which is based on view ability, guarantees wide audience coverage. While CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) requires users to accomplish specified actions, CPC (Cost Per Click) entails payment when users click on adverts. Campaigns aimed at raising brand awareness and top-of-funnel marketing can benefit from CPM.

Advantages of CPM for publishers

CPM gives publishers a consistent flow of revenue, which is particularly advantageous for websites with a lot of traffic. It offers quantifiable insights and fixed expenses. Publishers can maximize their income by considering the efficacy of various forms of advertising. The visibility of CPM campaigns can be increased by customizing them to reach a large audience.

When to choose CPM networks

CPM networks perform well for ads aimed at raising brand recognition. They are effective for large merchants and business brands that prioritize wide reach over niche customer targeting. Pay-per-click networks, however, might make more money if a website has a high click-through rate (>1.5%). When selecting networks, publishers should take into account variables like geolocation, vertical, and ad view capabilities.

Factors Influencing CPM Rates

Geographic location of traffic

An audience’s geographic location has a big influence on CPM rates. Canada, Australia, and the United States are examples of nations with more consumer spending power and hence command higher CPMs, which typically range from $5 to $8. In contrast, charges in poorer nations are typically cheaper, ranging from $0.50 to $2.00. This variance is a reflection of the regionally particular advertiser demand and economic climate.

Niche and content quality

The quality and specialty of the material are important factors in figuring out CPM prices. Because their audience has a high purchasing intent, niches like technology, education, and finance frequently command higher CPMs. Positive effects on user retention rates lead to higher CPMs for high-quality, compelling content. Professionally generated content is advantageous to advertisers as well as authors.

Ad formats and placements

CPM rates are greatly influenced by ad locations and formats. The greater attention and impressions that come with video advertising usually translate into better CPMs. Using in-content native ads or sticky ads is one way to strategically put ads to increase visibility and interaction. Higher CPM rates are also dependent on the quality and proper sizing of creative content.

Top CPM Networks by Publisher Size

Best networks for small publishers

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, Setupad provides small publishers with an analytics-driven monetization platform. High conversion rates are offered by Value Impression, which claims 40%–300% greater earnings than other networks. Adreact has over six years of international experience and specializes in display, video, and in-app advertising.

Mid-tier publisher options

Ezoic, which optimizes ad placements using AI and machine learning, is a viable option for mid-sized publishers. Former Google executives established Snigel, which provides AI-powered optimization and individualized support. With a focus on optimizing ad inventory, Yield Bird serves customers in more than 30 nations.

Enterprise-level CPM solutions

With CPM prices exceeding $3 for tier 1 countries, offers the second-biggest contextual ad program globally for major publishers. With rates starting at $0.30 and going up to $2 for display ads and up to $5 for link ads, Google AdSense offers reasonable pricing. For $0.40 bids, Amazon Publisher Services offers an average CPM revenue of $1.80, which is higher than bid rates.

Choosing the Right CPM Network

Assessing network reputation and reliability

Publishers should consider a CPM network’s reputation and dependability before choosing it. This include investigating the network’s reputation in the market, clientele, and track record. Reputable networks frequently have good relations with other publishers and alliances with respectable institutions.

Analyzing ad quality and relevance

When selecting a CPM network, ad quality and relevancy are important considerations. In order to make sure that the network’s ad inventory complements their audience and content, publishers should evaluate it. Relevant, high-quality advertisements improve user experience and increase engagement rates.

Considering technical integration and support

Network selection is significantly influenced by technical factors. Publishers should assess the network’s reporting capabilities, support options, and simplicity of integration. Ad management and optimization procedures can be substantially facilitated by an intuitive user interface and prompt customer service.


In conclusion, there are several ways for publishers to profitably monetize their content in the realm of CPM advertising networks. These networks have a big influence on how much money websites make since they let them get paid for ad impressions rather than clicks. Publishers of various sizes can choose from a variety of networks, depending on considerations such as traffic volume, content quality, and target demographic.

Understanding your audience, optimizing ad placements, and consistently testing various tactics are ultimately what make CPM advertising successful. Publishers may increase their ad revenue and maximize their online presence by collaborating with the appropriate networks and optimizing their strategy. Keeping up with emerging trends and technology is essential to retaining a competitive advantage in the ever-changing world of digital advertising.


1. Which advertising network offers the highest Cost Per Mille (CPM)?

With offices all over the world in cities like Dubai, Los Angeles, Bangalore, Mumbai, New York, and Zurich, is one of the top CPM ad networks for publishers. Other well-known networks include Propeller Ads, Undertone, Conversant Media, AdCash, Buy Sell Ads, Criteo, and Rev Content.

2. What is the most profitable advertising network?
Most people agree that Google AdSense is the best ad network for making money. It is not just a well-liked option; for publishers, it is frequently the main way they get advertising inventory for their websites.

3. What constitutes a competitive CPM in the advertising industry?
The average CPM for Google Display Ads is roughly $3.12, for Google Search Ads it is approximately $38.40, and for Facebook Ads it is approximately $8.60. A competitive CPM differs depending on the platform. Strong ad performance is usually indicated if your CPM is lower than these industry averages.

4. What is considered a good CPM for television advertising?
A decent CPM for broadcast/cable linear TV ads falls between $10 and $15 in the traditional TV advertising market. YouTube advertisements typically cost between $20 and $25 on digital platforms, while Connected TV (CTV) advertisements cost between $35 and $65.

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